If you are enrolling in this class, you must also enroll in NEW HOPE ORIENTATION on August 29th from 6:30pm-8:30pm.
VCL teaches individuals how to identify and overcome the roots and effects of their struggles in life by understanding and applying God’s Living Word to their lives and relationships. Participants will learn practical, Biblical steps and actions that will lead to healing, strengthening and maturing in their personal relationship with God, as well as in their marriage, their parenting, their finances, their health and their general outlook and understanding of life.
**This is an intensive class with two chapters taught each night and at home work to do between sessions.
DATES: TUESDAYS, Sept 3 – Oct 8
COST: $25.00 for materials*
*We do not want the cost to stop anyone from attending. If you cannot afford the cost of the class, please contact Kyra at (918) 225-1125 or kyra@loveinc.care